Customer Experience

Elevate Customer
Experience in every

Deliver a consistent, exceptional customer experience across all your locations.

Trusted by over thousand of local brands

Understand customer sentiment at scale.

RAY categorizes customer feedback from in-store Surveys, Google Reviews, Yelp and other sources to help you understand what’s working and what needs improvement .

customer sentiment
at scale.

RAY categorizes customer feedback from in-store Surveys, Google Reviews, Yelp and other sources to help you understand what’s working and what needs improvement .


Get a real-time Sentiment ranking for every Location of your brand

Grasp insights faster with AI summaries.

Get clear, up-to-date summaries of your insights data.

See changes in scores, pinpoint areas of concern, and identify your strengths and weaknesses to save time and make better decisions.

Grasp insights
faster with AI

Get clear, up-to-date summaries of your insights data.

See changes in scores, pinpoint areas of concern, and identify your strengths and weaknesses to save time and make better decisions.

Compare your
performance to
industry standards.

Measure your business performance against that of your industry. Identify improvement opportunities to get valuable insights.

Local Brands that trust
RAY globally

Why choose RAY

focused on
local search

No other SEO platform can offer you this chance of succeed in local search

Cost-effective and scalable

Plans start from just $49 per month. RAY is kind on your marketing budget, no matter your size

Take back countless hours

Find the answers quick, and with more confidence. Reports and audits do all the hard work for you.

Start Your Success Story with RAY

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