A/B Test – What is an A/B Test?

An A/B test consists of  showing one version of an element to a number of users, and a different one to the rest in order to compare which one offers the best result.
By comparing metrics, you can know which is the most effective version to apply definitively.


How do you do an A/B test?

To do it correctly, you should only change a single variable, in order to obtain a concrete view uncontaminated by the change of other possible variables and their impact on user behavior.

What is an A/B test for?

An A/B test is used to assess which of the two versions offers better results depending on the element in question. It can be the Call to Action that has the best CTR, the design of a landing page that offers the best user experience or the form that gets the most leads , among many other examples.      

Difference between an A/B test and a multivariate test

Although both mechanisms are sometimes confused, the main difference is that an A/B test only measures a different variant, while a multivariate test offers two versions with multiple changes in the element or elements that want to be tested.

The importance of A/B tests in Online Marketing 

This type of test is key in digital marketing, because thanks to the measurement tools it allows us to test each change in order to improve certain metrics, especially the conversion rate, since we will be able to offer the user the options that best work in a proven way.

Tools to do A/B Testing

There are various tools with which to carry out this type of test. Some of the most popular are:

  • Google Analytics

  • AB Tasty

  • Optimizely

  • Visual Website Optimizer