RTB (Real Time Bidding) – What is RTB?

The meaning of RTB is Real Time Bidding, a concept that can be translated into Spanish as “real-time bids.” With this method, you can buy digital advertising through online bidding for different advertising spaces.

RTB allows the advertiser to choose the place, the audience and the moment in which they want to generate impact with their advertisement in order to reach their potential customers. This is, therefore, an excellent way to ensure that an advertisement reaches the right audience through different formats, such as video display, social media or mobile advertising.


How RTB works

If RTB is so successful it is thanks to cookies. When a user accesses a website, cookies collect their data and create a profile of the visitor. It is then that the AD Exchange (that is, the intermediary platform between supply and demand) receives this profile so that advertisers verify if they are interested in publishing ads on the sites visited by the user.

Once the advertisers have analyzed the offer, they proceed to inform the Demand Side Platform (that is, the platform where the auction and user information is located) if they are going to participate in the auction. At this point, advertisers must establish purchasing parameters for their campaigns and issue bids according to the agreed data.

On the other hand, we can also find the editors, who receive the offers made by the companies that wish to advertise and, therefore, they must verify which of them is the most attractive. These in turn are in charge of offering the media where the advertiser can publish their advertisement. These spaces are brought together in a platform called Sell Side Platform, which has the objective of optimizing and maximizing income from the different media.

Basically, the RTB process is achieved thanks to the intervention of many actors: users, advertisers, publishers and Ad Exchange platforms, DSPs and SSPs.

Benefits of Real Time Bidding

The RTB has several advantages that may interest you:

  • Allows greater audience segmentation.

  • Optimize the value of each impression.

  • It generates greater sales, since the advertisement is shown to a specific consumer profile.

  • Allows you to customize the ad message.

  • Allows you to choose when and where the ad will appear.

  • It represents savings in online advertising, since advertisers only pay for the impressions associated with the target they are interested in.