Tea Connection doubles visits to its branch profiles on Google within 12 months



visits per month on Google


average star rating

in reviews


reviews on Google

*The data is from the last measurement month of 2023 following the implementation.

 “Partnership with RAY is a significant step in our effort to support the growth of our franchisees. Now, our franchisees can disseminate information about their studios more efficiently than ever through the centralized management of all location listings, as well as the ability to respond to reviews, all from one platform. We have been seeking a more robust solution for our studio listings, and we have found exactly that in RAY.”

Emilio Di Pasquo

Marketing Director, Green Eat & Tea Connection

Tea Connection is a restaurant chain that has earned an exceptional reputation in the food service industry for its focus on providing a unique experience to its customers. With a diverse menu of teas, infusions, and healthy dishes, Tea Connection has become a popular destination for lovers of healthy food and beverages.

However, despite its success in customer satisfaction, Tea Connection faced a significant challenge: how to optimize its online presence and convert visitors into customers.

With approximately 900,000 visits per month on Google and Google Maps across all its branches, the brand had reached a substantial audience but was not maximizing the benefits of its online visibility.

The Challenge of Achieving Excellence and Being More Chosen


Tea Connection’s key challenges focused on three key areas:

1) Need for greater visibility

While the visit figures were solid, the company aimed to increase its online visibility to reach an even broader audience and attract the attention of new customers.

2) Achieving more conversions

Despite the impressive online visit figures, Tea Connection had the potential to achieve even better numbers. The average and number of reviews generate the desired confidence in the consumer and increase conversion.

3) Increase customer loyalty

The brand sought to strengthen the retention of existing customers and foster their loyalty.

RAY helps support our omnichannel approach, preparing us for the future in the uncertain world of digital marketing.


Emilio Di Pasquo
Marketing Director – Green Eat & Tea Connection

How they did it: with the help of consumers


QR codes in the branches to survey consumers: RAY provides QR codes and personalized surveys so that brands can survey consumers while they experience the service.

Green Eat’s own loyalty app: The brand developed its loyalty app to interact with its consumers, reward them for each visit, and more. After the branch visit, the customer can respond to a satisfaction survey and leave a review on Google.